Games For Visually impaired

People with visual impairment have greater difficulty in accessing physical activity and sport, and a lack of social interaction is also associated with a risk of exclusion. BRFP firmly believes that sports helps an individual much more than in the physical aspects alone. It builds character, teaches and develops strategic thinking, analytical thinking, leadership skills, goal setting and risk taking, just to name a few. Sports and extracurricular activities play a very positive roll in a visually challenged individual’s life, it helps improve the perception of people with disabilities, increase social skills and health and increase the social importance of people with disabilities in the social environment. Hence, the organization has made its top most priority to make available equipment’s related to sports and gains.


Chessboard gain with tactile indicators for the Blind. (acquired by Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan.)

Pkr. 750/-


Ludo board gain withe tactile indicators for the Blind. (acquired by Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan.)

Pkr. 750/-

Snake and Ladder

Snake and ladder board gain with tactile indicators for the Blind. (acquired by Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan.)

Pkr. 750/-

Cricket ball

Ball filled with ball bearings to provide audible cues used for Blind Cricket. (acquired by Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan.)

Pkr. 200/-


Foot ball modified to make a jingling or rattling sound. Used for Blind Foot Ball. (acquired by Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan.)

Pkr. 1200/-


Contact Us

House No R-93 sector 16 A-1 Malik cooperative society Gulzar hijri 
Karachi, Pakistan.
Phone: 0331-8115883
Phone: 0300-1112737

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